King Kong Media Production


Jaspers Lai 赖宇涵

Content Creator | Actor | Producer | Video Editor | Scriptwriter | Songwriter | Director | Singer

Since young, Jaspers always had the goal of working in the media industry to perform, back in the limelight, get people laughing and excited, as well as to inspire and influence others.

Talented Content Creator, Actor, Producer, Video Editor, Script-writer, Song-writer & Director, this witty and multi-lingual comedic genius, features original, creative, engaging and very funny content. He has produced and featured in more than 100 online comedy programme & short-films.

Jaspers has amassed a large number of followers on social media, while growing constantly with content that are engaging. Always spontaneous and out-going, he won the hearts of netizens & clients with his versatility & talent.

Being one of Singapore’s most hardworking influencers, Jaspers is widely known by his cross-platform social media handle “Bao Ya Gu 暴牙菇”. This online character has become a new internet sensation among the millennials & Gen-Z, and his influence stretches far beyond Singapore to the Asian community at large.

For Jaspers, achieving success with his first film script has been vindictive of his efforts to ‘make it’ in the industry. Being the scriptwriter for Movie “Number 1” which garnered immense success, receiving two nominations for the 57th Golden Horse Awards, Jaspers entertainment career soared to a greater heights.

Jaspers is one of the few Singapore talents who is successful both on screen and social media and he has a rock-solid foundation for his current online success today.



而参与精彩多变的多媒体世界,一直都是他从没改 变过的终极梦想。多年来, 在娱乐媒体界的每一个角落,皆能 见到赖宇涵以不同的身份岗位出现过。


他对于娱乐行业的热衷参与度,可谓是无处不在、无孔不入。擅长以不同语言搞笑的赖宇涵,演出并创作过无数的搞笑短片以及广告作品。 热衷经营自媒体的他,也早已在网路世界里,上 传过


在芸芸自媒体世界里, 赖宇涵已踏出了一条康庄大道。个人社交自媒体 经过他长时间孜孜不倦的推广与经营之后,待人亲切热情,且形象讨喜多变的赖宇涵,也已成功的在网路社媒界累 积了数量庞大的追随粉丝人数,且数字还在与日俱增当中。

作为新加坡最活跃的网路红人之一,赖宇涵最为人所津津乐道的角色,当属其自创的跨媒体搞笑角色 – 暴牙菇。这个头顶蘑菇头发型的龅牙喜剧角色,自横空出世后, 已成功虏获了网路新人类的欢心,跻身成为亚洲华人虚拟世界中,极具影响力的网路角色之一。

赖宇涵所撰写的处女电影剧本《男儿王》,在第57届金马奖颁奖典礼上大放异彩, 共荣获两项提名,令赖宇涵在电影编导界开始崭露头角,迈出了漂亮的第一步。

赖宇涵能歌善舞、既能演也能主持, 编导能力更是不在话下,属于新加坡娱乐圈屈指可数的全方位艺人之一。他的观众群更是横跨不同媒体、年 龄层和语言,同时也是一位不可多得, 集编、导、演能力于一身的多面体演 艺人才。赖宇涵将在这个瞬息万变的新媒体时代大放异彩, 乘势而上再创个人高峰。

Social Media Platforms

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Viral Branded Content 创意业配影片

暴牙菇 VS 李国煌 - 2.3 Million Views

暴牙菇有新病 - 1.5 Million Views

暴牙菇 VS 辉哥 - 1 Million Views

暴牙菇竟然激怒好姨 (薛家燕) - 907.5K Views


Movies 电影




Concerts 演唱会 & Musicals 音乐剧


News 报导

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