King Kong Media Production


Marcus Chin 陈建彬

A veteran artiste with more than 40 years in the entertainment business.

Marcus is a veteran artiste whose career spans more than 40 years in the entertainment business.

Back in the 70s, he was better known as one of the popular TV hosts with Chinese variety programmes. Over the subsequent years, he took a break from the TV screen but went onto produce and act on live theatres and numerous public performances. Although he was on his own, he has successfully held personal concerts and has produced numerous CDs and VCDs. He has composed many songs for Mediacorp sitcom and variety.

Fifteen years in the radio industry, Marcus is currently an anchor host of the No. 1 Morning Show on Love 97.2FM, “Breakfast Quartet”. Marcus’s humour and enthusiasm captured the hearts of many and kept his listeners tune in with anticipation.

Undisputedly, this man has been seen to be a very talented and versatile performer.


他的主持风格成熟、稳重,具大将之风,是少数能撑大局的主持人,因此成为许多大型综艺和现场节目主持的不二人选,代言也接踵而来。多年的生活磨炼使他的主持反应快、 狠、准,风趣却不缺深度, 2018和2021年在新加坡最高级别的电视颁奖典礼《红星大奖》上,陈建彬分别荣获《特别成就奖》和《十大最受欢迎男艺人奖》,肯定了他在演艺圈的贡献与成就。

他幽默的谈吐和不时予听众新鲜感和娱乐,也快速地掳获了全国第一收听率电台LOVE 972早班《玉建煌崇》听众的心。

Social Media Platforms

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Live Streams 直播


Events 公开活动


Movies 电影


Variety Shows 综艺节目


Social Media 社交媒体


Awards 奖项

Star Awards for Best Comedy Performer 最佳喜剧演员
Top 10 Most Popular Male Artistes 十大最受欢迎男艺人
Star Awards for Special Achievement Award 特别成就奖
Star Awards for Best Radio Programme 最佳电台节目
Star Awards for Favourite Onscreen Partners (Variety)

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